Practice Management…and what else? (DMS)

You probably already own the tools! If you’re using Tabs3 or if you’re already using PracticeMaster, it’s worthwhile to find out what else it can do!

Did you know you could use Tabs3 PracticeMaster for:

1. Document Management
2. Email Management
3. Marketing Management
4. Collections Management

Today’s focus is on Document Management:
Now, don’t get me wrong, PracticeMaster is not going to compete with a full-bodied document management system like iManage, Worldox or NetDocuments (though it DOES integrate with those systems); but if you’re a smaller firm with a commitment to deploying document management in your firm, PracticeMaster offers an inexpensive solution. I use it myself and I love it!


Viewing documents by matter:

Saving a Document:

Searching for verbiage within a document: